Allow me to introduce my new buddies, well old buddies, well old guys that are new buddies. Well anyway, these guys live in my new house. They've lived here their whole lives (which is twice as long as I've been alive). This is Baby Kitty, though Bubba Kitty probably would have been more apropos. He wasn't too keen to meet me on account that he mostly just likes to sleep and get scratches, and I mostly just like to play...all hours of the night. I finally won him over however by seducing him with my person's bed. It's a really big, really soft, really cat-tastic kind of bed, and I let him nap on it. Well, let him might be a loose translation as he is twice my size, but I digress.
This is Oliver. As you can tell, he enjoys light reading.... as a pillow. I like him the most because he occasionally plays Whack The Tail with me and never is mean to me. He's pretty cool because at night he makes the strangest and most diverse Old Man snoring noises. Occasionally waking me, my person, and himself up from a dead sleep. He also is a pretty big fan of my person's really big bed. Me and my person are happy to share, or so she says. She does tend to grumble a bit when all three of us are in bed with her, but I chalk that up to indigestion.
Then there's me. I like the bed too. I mean who wouldn't, its huge and all my buddies hang out there!
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